Oakwood Listserv

The SPHO, per our bylaws, maintains a neighborhood listserv (email group) for neighbors to communicate. The group is moderated and is only available to eligible SPHO members and persons residing immediately adjacent to Oakwood.

To join, please use the map on this page to ensure you are inside the eligibility outline (purple area). If you are, please submit your access application by using the button below.

Having trouble seeing the map? Use this link to open it in a new page: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1YRVDp68Ldqdq_ww1Lq_aEPcHsHyxSLG9&usp=sharing
(Safari on iOS seems to have trouble displaying this map. Google Chrome will display it properly.)

Click the expand icon in the top right corner of the map windows to view full-screen. Once expanded you can search for your address in the map by clicking the search icon in the upper left corner of the map screen and entering your address.

The BLUE outline is the City of Raleigh Historic Oakwood District. The PURPLE outline is the expanded National Register District - addresses in the purple shaded area are eligible to join the listserv.

If you reside OUTSIDE of the eligibility area you may still qualify to have access to the Listserv if you:

  • Own property in the historic district

  • Are a Honorary SPHO member

  • Are an Associate SPHO member

  • Are a SPHO Committee member

If you believe you qualify and reside outside of the neighborhood, please use the link below to submit your request: